Clay modeling

From digital to physical and back.

Clay Modelling

The industrial plasticine „Clay“ has proven to be excellent in the form-finding process when creating a physical model.

In the process of continuous communication between designer and modeller a sculpture is formed, which shows lines and surfaces in their holistic context. When modelling in Clay, continuous corrections to the surface progressions are made, up to the final finish of a model at the desired level of detail. Since the material has a high dimensional stability, precise design models can be created.

Decision with certainty

After completing the form finding process, these can be scanned in 3D and fed back into the data world. For presentation purposes clay models can be optimised in detail with hard parts and painted.

The range of FORM3 clay models reaches from proportional models, design models and models for aerodynamical tests through to highly realistic full scale interior and exterior presentation models.

Safe decision-making


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